The Pro is a new high performance shaft that is now standard with all Pro-Series Cues 1 - 6 and is available for any other brand as well as other models of Meucci or BMC series cues. It has a thru to the tip, half inch hydraulic ferrule.
- The Pro comes standard with an Ultra Skin Medium Tip
This shaft has as low effective deflection as other Low Deflection brands, but it has a full 12.5 millimeters with the 14” Pro Taper first introduced by Meucci cues and made as a standard by other brands.
According to many top players who have tested this shaft “it is the best playing cue I’ve ever hit a ball with.” This shaft is lighter than the Black Dot shaft and will shift the weight of your cue more to the back, taking weight off your bridge hand for a smoother stroke